There are many resources and lists available to learn how to keep ourselves and each other safe from COVID. This is a compilation of some of that key information. This list will be updated, but may not be up-to-date at all times. Please confirm with the primary sources for all information.
Mask requirements in Oregon were lifted March 12, 2022, for many indoor public places. Masks continue to be an important public health tool for reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Some settings will continue to require everyone to wear face masks. These include:
- Healthcare settings such as hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics, and doctors’ offices
- Airports, airplanes, and trains
- Public transit
- Adult and youth detention facilities
- Shelters and transitional housing
If you have COVID-19, you should isolate (stay away from others) for at least 5 days, and then wear a mask around others for at least 5 more days. Follow guidelines for quarantine and isolation.
Schools, organizations, and local businesses can choose to continue mask requirements. Be prepared. Continue to carry your mask with you when you are out just in case!
Respect the comfort level of other people
Some people may ask you to continue to wear a mask if you go inside their home. Some people may want to wear a mask, even if they aren’t asked to. Accepting each person’s decisions about safety and how they protect the health of their community is a good way to show that we care.
Health Info and Details on Current Restrictions
Keep up to date on current information and restrictions for Multnomah County and for the City of Portland.
Isolation and Quarantine Guidelines
What to do if you have symptoms or test positive for COVID-19
- Stay home and away from others (isolation) for at least 5 days.
- After 5 days, you can leave home if you
- have had no fever for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medicines AND
- have only mild symptoms that are improving
- Continue to carefully mask around others for 5 more days.
In Oregon, call 211 from a cell phone, 503.222.5555 from a landline, text your zip code to 898211, or email to find services and answer your questions about COVID-19.
Housing, Food, & Utilities
List of Emergency Relief Resources (not up dated)
For resources in other languages go to:
- Multnomah County
- APANO for Asian and Pacific Islander Languages
Evictions: Until July 1, 2022, a tenant can avoid termination and eviction for nonpayment of monthly rent if they have applied for emergency rental assistance and have provided documentation of their application to their landlord.
Rental Assistance: Has COVID-19 affected your ability to pay rent? CALL 2-1-1 or 1-866-698-6155 to find out about any available resources in your area.
Postpone Your Utility Payments
The links below go to the application pages for assistance on utility bills.
- Water Or contact customer service at 503-823-7770
- Electricity or call PGE at 503-228-6322
- Natural Gas or call Customer Service at 800-422-4012
For Families
Education: Visit the PPS website for updates and resources.
Childcare: Call 211, email or text “children” or “ninos” to 898211 for free, customized referrals to child care providers and strategies for finding quality care.
For Businesses & Non-Profits
Many sites have compiled lists of resources for small businesses during this outbreak.
- Prosper Portland resources for businesses and residents
- Business for a Better Portland switchboard
- Portland Business Journal resource guide
- NAO guide for nonprofits
How you can help
- Visit the City’s guide to helping others during this crisis.
- Donate to social service providers. Nonprofits such as Union Gospel Mission, Portland Rescue Mission, Blanchet House and Sisters of the Road serve meals to vulnerable community members and need your support to safely keep the doors open.
- Donate Supplies. Multnomah County is accepting donations of personal protective equipment (surgical masks, hand sanitizer, etc.) and other personal goods such as tents, sleeping bags, snack bars and more. See the full list of items and where to donate them here.
- Support local businesses. When you have a choice, choose local to support your neighbors and community.