City Livability News

Noise Task Force

Noise Task Force Holds Meetings

Pile Driving Under Discussion

Reported by Stan Penkin

Following up the Portland City Council adoption of changes to the pile driving noise ordinance, Commissioner Amanda Fritz created a noise task force to review additional revisions. Under discussion are: a city wide prohibition of impact hammer pile driving; the variance, appeal and notification process; and zoning designations wherein ”EX” industrial zones could be changed to commercial.

A change to commercial zoning in neighborhoods that have become primarily residential, such as the Pearl District, would reduce allowable decibel levels. This would permit the City’s Noise Control Officer greater flexibility for enforcement.

Advocates have stated that impact hammer pile driving is harmful to people’s health. They further added that innovative techniques such as the quieter auger cast method is an acceptable alternative. Advocates further urge the total prohibition of impact hammer pile driving with certain qualified exceptions.

The nine member citizen task force met six times with the outcomes of the meetings to now be reviewed and analyzed by Commissioner Fritz’s office. The Commissioner is not expected to bring any possible recommendations to City Council before February.

Additional information can be found online

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