Updates on Current Projects at the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability
Recommended City-wide Zoning Map and other Comprehensive Plan Early Implementation projects:
The City of Portland is updating its Comprehensive Plan, a long-range 20-year plan that sets the framework for the physical development of the city. In August the Planning and Sustainability Commission made recommendations to City Council on the Comprehensive Plan Early Implementation Projects, including the Composite Zoning Map. The Recommended Draft of the Zoning Map and Zoning Code are available on the BPS website, along with reports for the Early Implementation Projects that brought these changes forward: Mixed Use Zoning Project, Employment Zoning Project, Campus Institutional Zoning Project, Miscellaneous Zoning Amendments Project, Residential and Open Space Zoning and Community Involvement Program. Find more information here
City Council held public hearings on the Early Implementation Package on October 6 and 13, 2016. Based on testimony and related considerations each commissioner has now submitted their amendments to the Early Implementation Package, including Zoning Map and Code changes. Read the Council Amendments and the Minor/Technical Amendments memos.
Next steps: A public hearing on the Amendments is scheduled for November 17, 2016 (at City Hall, 1220 SW 5th Ave, beginning at 2:00 pm.). City Council is presently scheduled to vote on the entire Early Implementation Package, including amendments, on December 14 and 21, 2016.
Other projects of note:
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Inclusionary Housing Zoning Code Project:
The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability and Portland Housing Bureau are working together to develop regulatory and programmatic measures to implement the Inclusionary Housing Program, which will require some affordable housing units for new projects with over 20 units. A Proposed Draft for the project was published on September 20th.
The Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC) held a hearing on the Proposed Draft on October 25, 2016 and a work session on November 8, 2016. A Recommended Draft from PSC is expected the week of November 20th. City Council will hold a public hearing and consider the recommendations on December 8 at 2:00 pm. For more information.
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Mass Shelter and Housing Zoning Code Update:
This project amends zoning regulations for certain shelters and housing projects and is a result of the City Council’s resolution in March to “simplify regulations, remove regulatory obstacles and expedite processes for land use reviews and permits for affordable housing projects, mass shelters and short-term housing”. It proposes to expand the situations that allow shelters by right, and reduces the level of land use review for certain shelters, short-term and affordable housing. The code update is part of a larger citywide attempt to address housing affordability and homelessness.
Read the Recommended Draft of the Mass Shelter and Housing Zoning Code Update and Amendments made at Council.
The effective date for the new regulations is December 8,2016.
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Residential Infill Project:
In the face of population growth and changing housing needs the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability is taking a fresh look at the allowances for development in single-dwelling neighborhoods. Read the full October 2016 Concept Report.
Public hearings before City Council on the Concept Report are underway and the next hearing is on November 16, 2016 (2 to 4 pm and again at 6 pm). A City Council work session and possible vote on the resolution accepting the concept report, and giving staff direction to move forward on the elements that are in the report, is expected on December 7, 2016 (time tbd). Check the Council calendar for updates.
City Council will give staff direction to develop zoning code amendments through a legislative process that will occur through 2017. See the project website for updates; you can sign up to receive E-Updates roughly every month.
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Regulatory Improvement Code Amendment Project (RICAP) 8:
RICAPs provide an ongoing and rapid way to bring forward technical and minor policy amendments to land use regulations with the intent of improving clarity and supporting desirable development. A new RICAP proposal is being reviewed. The RICAP 8 report addresses 51 items: 26 propose amendments to the Zoning Code, 17 propose amendments to the Tree Code, and 8 do not propose any amendments. The Proposed Draft of RICAP 8
The following public hearings have been scheduled on the Proposed Draft:
Urban Forestry Commission – Public hearing on proposed changes to Title 11: Trees
December 7, 2016, 5:00 pm
1900 SW 4th Avenue, Room 2500A
Check the agenda on the Commission website one week before the hearing to make sure this item is still scheduled. Send written testimony to the Urban Forestry Commission, 10910 N Denver Ave., Portland, OR 97217; or send an email to brian.landoe@portlandoregon.gov with “RICAP8” in the subject line.Planning and Sustainability Commission – Public hearing on proposed changes to Title 33
December 13, 2016, 12:30 pm
1900 SW 4th Avenue, Room 2500A
Please check the Commission website a week before the hearing for the scheduled time of this agenda item. Send written testimony to the PSC at 1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 7100, Portland, OR 97201; or send an email to psc@portlandoregon.gov with “RICAP8” in the subject line.
***Written testimony must be received by the time of the hearing and must include your name and address.
For more information go to: http://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/67298
[toggle title=”Off-Road Cycling Master Plan” open=”no”]
Portland Off-Road Cycling Master Plan:
The Portland Off-road Cycling Master Plan will provide a vision for a system of off-road cycling trails and facilities where kids, adults and families can ride for fun, exercise and to experience nature in the city. The plan will make recommendations for the future improvement and management of these trails and facilities, based on community needs and input, site opportunities and constraints, and best practices in design, development and management. Look out for an interactive map tool for this project coming out in the next few months where you can provide input on potential sites for off-road cycling. Find out more about the project here.
BPS is working on this project in collaboration with Portland Parks & Recreation, the Bureau of Environmental Services, Bureau of Transportation, the Portland Water Bureau and other local government and community partners.
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Design Overlay Assessment Project:
The purpose of this project is to evaluate and improve the City’s design review process. Phase 1 of this project is complete, and the June 2016 research report is available here:
You can also read the September preliminary report findings presented to the Design Commission in September 2016.
A Final Report is expected at the end of the year. For more information
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Central City Plan:
The Planning and Sustainability Commission is holding four work sessions about specific Central City elements. The first one, on building height, was held on September 27. The next one on November 16 will be on river-related topics and transportation projects. For more information
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Fossil Fuel Terminal zoning amendments:
The Fossil Fuel Terminal Zoning Amendments project begin to implement new policy direction for fossil fuel distribution and storage facilities through changes to the Zoning Code, following up on City Council’s resolutions last year to restrict fossil fuel development and expansion of bulk fossil fuel terminals. The Fossil Fuel Terminal zoning amendments Recommended Draft was released October 11. City Council held a hearing on the recommended draft on November 10. Find the latest and more information on this project.
City Council agenda: View City Council agenda items for the upcoming weeks