Goose Hollow Foothills League
GHFL Website / / GHFL on Civic Life site
President: Vadim Mozyrsky
Vice-President: Scott Schaffer
Treasurer: J. Charles Griggs
Secretary: Forrace Garcia

Board Members
Steven Atkins (2021)
Bridget Bimrose (2019)
Douglas Cook (2022)
Laurie Goldsmith (2021)
Tiffany Hammer (2019)
Linda Rankin (2021)
Jerry Powell (2022)
Board Meetings
3rd Thursday of the month, 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Held in the Fall at the Annual Meeting. Elections Committee selected by the Board, notice given 40 days prior. Officer Elections at next Board Meeting.
Planning & Zoning
1st Tuesday of the month, 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Jerry Powell & Scott Schaffer
Public Safety, Parking, & Transportation
January, July, October, 7:30 pm
Tiffany Hammer & Laurie Goldsmith
Goose Hollow Days Street Festival