City Livability News Transportation Vision Zero

Transportation Check-In

A brief guide to some ongoing projects at PBOT

Vision Zero

Vision Zero is a program aimed at eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries in Portland by 2025. To reach that goal PBOT us reducing speed limits, providing discounted rides home for people on holidays, and installing speed safety cameras.

Safe Ride Home

Safe Ride Home is a part of the Vision Zero campaign. According to PBOT half of the traffic deaths in Portland involve people travelling impaired. To combat this PBOT is partnering with local bars, cab companies and
ride-hailing services to provide safe, cost-reduced rides home for people on targeted holidays.


PedPDX is a plan to make the city more pedestrian friendly. The project prioritizes improvements to sidewalks and crossings to make walking safer and easier. PBOT expects to have a draft of the plan for the public to view in the Fall of 2018.

Central City in Motion

Central City in Motion will identify and prioritize our investments for the next 5-10 years in the Central City transportation network. The project seeks to accommodate more users on existing roads because by 2035 the city center population is expected to triple and jobs are expected to increase by 40%.

Northwest in Motion

Similar to Central City in Motion, this project seeks to provide walking, biking, and transit improvements in the Northwest District town center. The plan will prioritize active modes of transportation in the district
including biking, walking and transit.
Learn more about all of these projects and more by visiting PBOT’s website: