Experiencing drainage issues on your property and not sure what to do? Environmental Services can provide on-site technical help for drainage issues on your property. They can help you pick safe options to manage the rain on your property or find solutions to drainage problems. You can schedule an appointment for a site visit or […]
Category: Environment
Portland Harbor Superfund Updates
From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Hello everyone and happy new year! Below please find some information about next week’s – January 10th Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group meeting and a few related items. January 10 Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group Meeting – *Save the Date* March 13 Portland Harbor Collaborative Group Meeting […]
Quiet Clean PDX
Quiet Clean PDX is asking Portland commissioners to support a city-wide ban on gas leaf blowers that would take effect in a year or two, to allow time for the transition to electric equipment (and hopefully to more use of rakes & brooms). You can help convince the commissioners and Mayor Wheeler to support a ban […]
Saturday September 16, 2023, from 10:00am–12:00pm June Key Delta Community Center (5940 N Albina Ave, Portland, OR 97217) The Yard Tree Giveaway is back and the folks at Portland Parks & Recreation’s Urban Forestry are getting ready to give away over 2,000 free trees to Portlanders! Come celebrate our kickoff into the planting season. Learn about […]

Spring Clean-ups to celebrate Earth Day Join your neighbors for spring cleaning with one of these litter pick-ups or head out on your own to Adopt one block near you. Click on the title to sign-up to help. Downtown neighborhoodWeds., April 13, 9-11 am. Meet at the Benson Hotel Goose Hollow SouthWeds., April 13th, 9-11 am. Meet at KGW, […]

Looking for support in cleaning up the neighborhood? This list can help you find the right resources. And remember NWNW has cleanup supplies to loan as well!