We’re excited to announce that NWNW, in collaboration with our community partners, is hosting another educational forum. This event will delve into the complexities of Measure 110, exploring its positives, challenges, and critical aspects. We’ve assembled a diverse panel of experts, each bringing a unique perspective to the table. Mark your calendars for December 14th […]
Category: Public Involvement

Since being assigned the Office of Community & Civic Life, Commissioner Ryan has worked hard to reset the Office and ensure it returns to its core mission of being an objective convenor between our community and the government. He understands the benefit our 94 neighborhoods and is pushing for a strong connection between them and […]
Portland Utility Board Meeting
The Portland Utility Board will be meeting Wednesday, September 27, 2023 via Zoom. We welcome the public to join us! (zoom link below) Portland Utility Board Meeting Date Wednesday, September 27, 2023 Time 11:00am-12:00pm Location Virtual, via Zoom Agenda topics include City Organizational Structure Proposal Review Attached please find an agenda for the meeting as […]
For those of you who were unable to attend our Behavioral Health Forum with Mayor Ted Wheeler, Sharon Meieran, and others, feel free to follow the link below for a recording. And, thanks again for all who attended. Now the real work begins! #BeTheChange Behavioral Health Forum Recording
Camping, Trash and Abandoned Vehicles Within the public right of way: PDX Reporter On private property: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bds/42240 Dumped Garbage RID Patrol: Report dumped garbage | Metro (oregonmetro.gov) Repair Grant for Small Businesses Local Small Business Repair Grant – Prosper Portland Report Graffiti The online report takes less than 5 minutes to complete. You must upload a picture. www.portland.gov/311/graffiti-report or call 311 to report Free […]

Spring Clean-ups to celebrate Earth Day Join your neighbors for spring cleaning with one of these litter pick-ups or head out on your own to Adopt one block near you. Click on the title to sign-up to help. Downtown neighborhoodWeds., April 13, 9-11 am. Meet at the Benson Hotel Goose Hollow SouthWeds., April 13th, 9-11 am. Meet at KGW, […]