City Crime Prevention Event News ONI

2016 NNO Parties

National Night Out: Building Community

Do you know your neighbors?

When neighbors know and look out for each other, their neighborhoods are safer.

National Night Out (NNO) is an annual celebration on the 1st Tuesday in August where the community gathers at small block parties or neighborhood events to strengthen their relationships with one another in the spirit of creating safer neighborhoods. Plan your own party or attend a neighborhood event.

Plan a Party ~ Attend a party:

Hello, National Night Out (NNO) party hosts, neighborhood association chairs and coalition folks!

Your involvement in NNO helps neighbors get to know one another and strengthens community ties in the spirit of creating a safer neighborhood. Connected neighbors are more likely to be invested in what happens in their shared space, look out for one another, work together to solve problems and contribute to making their neighborhood a better place. Those relationships also lay the foundation for cooperation that is vital in the event of a major disaster where emergency services may be unavailable for days and weeks.

Throwing a party can be a simple affair, so don’t let a busy schedule dissuade you from getting involved.  One organizer sets up a table in his driveway and invites neighbors to bring potluck dishes and their chairs over to his home. They all catch up on his front lawn.

2015 party registration is open!

The official date of National Night Out falls on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 this year. Parties happening between the Friday before the official date to the following Sunday are also considered National Night Out parties.You can register your party with us until July 19, 2016 on our website. Also, please check out the site for party ideas and answers to your questions.

Lawn signs available

Spread the word about your party with one of our NNO lawn signs. You can borrow one for your registered party with a refundable $10 deposit per sign.

Check out our party activity ideas

Ice breaker activities are a great way to meet your neighbors and learn more about them. Check out our list of party ideas here.