Check out these eight tips to become wildfire-wise this weekend!

Check out these eight tips to become wildfire-wise this weekend!
Recover NW23 COMMUNITY MEETING Monday, JUNE 5 6:00 – 8:00 pm Holiday Inn Express, NW 23rd & Vaughn Refreshments provided The Portland Bureau of Emergency Management and Nob Hill Business Association are co-hosting a community meeting with two key topics: 6 – 6:45 pm · Explosion: What happened on Oct. 19? A representative of the […]
Mitigation Action Plan (The Map) The MAP is the city’s plan to reduce our risks from hazards like floods, landslides, and earthquakes. It tells us how hazard events might affect our city, and the ways city offices plan to reduce those impacts. We want to talk to you about the plan and hear what you think! Summer Social NW […]
After a large earthquake, you could be without phone service for days or weeks. If you’re injured or need supplies, where will you go? Within two days of a quake, Portland intends to activate BEECNs (short for Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Nodes) at 48 locations around the city. Each BEECN is a place to get […]
A Basic Earthquake Emergency Communications Node (BEECN) is a place to go in Portland neighborhoods after a major quake to ask for emergency assistance or to report severe damage or injury. Cell phones, landlines, texting and internet service are not resilient enough to endure the damage anticipated from a Cascadia Subduction Zone Quake. The 48 […]