
Housing Production Strategy

Portland faces a wide range of housing needs — and challenges — to meet these needs. And the 2045 Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) recognizes that some communities face bigger challenges than others: Low-income households, communities of color, elders, people with disabilities, and people experiencing houselessness all face greater housing needs.

So, the City of Portland must accommodate a variety of Portlanders’ needs with a range of unit types, prices and locations, including for low-income populations, communities of color, and people of all ages and abilities.

The Draft Housing Production Strategy (HPS) is a five-year action plan designed to meet those needs, focused on more equitable and affordable housing options for a wider range of incomes, needs, and preferences.

The HPS includes zoning code and map changes, regulatory reforms, financial incentives, funding, land acquisition and preservation, and partnerships that address the housing production needs of the next five years. These actions must consider impacts on low-income households, communities of color, people with disabilities, and other state and federally protected classes.

Read the draft Housing Production Strategy
Comment on the draft Housing Production Strategy via the Map App (By April 1, 2024).