Civic Engagement

What is civic engagement? Its people getting involved in their communities and their governance. You can make it what you want, just get involved!

  • Political Reform: improving the rules of the game. This could include campaign finance, re-districting, modernizing election processes, etc.
  • Civic Infrastructure: building tools for engagement. Such as building nonprofit or philanthropic capacity for problem solving, opendata/transparency, information/journalism.
  • Vote! Vote in local and national elections and encourage others to vote as well. Voter registration and increasing engagement in electoral processes are examples.
  • Political Participation: involving more people
  • in political processes, such as public meeting engagement and participatory budgeting. Testifying at council, attend a commission meeting, write letters, answer surveys.
  • Civic Learning & Education: ensuring youth gain knowledge and experience in civic life, service learning, and youth development. Adults can always learn more too!
  • Advocacy & Public Policy: actions that inform legislation or policy, such as nonpartisan awareness building or 501c4 support.
  • Leadership Development: creating leaders who will contribute to the public good. Fellowships, mentoring, training.
  • Place-Making & Community Development: building a stronger connection to place, this includes urban planning and economic development, but also arts and cultural efforts, as well as community stewardship of a neighborhood like litter pickups.
  • Community Organizing: empower individuals to take action and effectively mobilize others. Marches, rallies, and demonstrations fall under this category.
  • Social Capital/Cohesion: nurturing interpersonal engagement and trust. Regular interactions between neighbors as well as informal community-building activities support this.
  • Donate and Volunteer: offer your resources or service to the community and encourage others to join you in these efforts to support causes you believe in.
  • Deliberative Democracy: convening programs for effective deliberation, sustained dialogue and consensus building. This citizen decision-making is the foundation of democracy!